Meditation is a practice of concentrated focus. Through mindfulness and concentration exercises one increases awareness of the present moment. This results in reducing stress and promoting relaxation.
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Why meditate?
The goal of meditation is to achieve a state of inner peace. You can think of this state as thoughtless awareness. Your mind is awake, but directed and focused inwards and turned away from the outside. Practising to focus will calm your mind. If you meditate regularly over a period, you will notice the progress.
Boost health & immunity
Release stress
Balance body & mind
Concentration & creativity
Personal & spiritual growth
How to meditate
Meditation is about focusing or bundling your attention. You can focus on a physical sensation, smell, sound, an image in your mind’s eye or your breath to calm your mind. This can help you to complete certain tasks or to deal with your everyday life.
There are two diverse types of meditation, passive and active. In passive meditation you sit or lie down without moving. In active meditation you do physical exercises. This can be as simple as walking or gardening, but also yoga and certain martial arts styles. Active meditation also includes praying, saying affirmations and mantras.
Get involved in meditation and follow your individual path. Find what type of meditation works for you. Do not have expectations. Do not build up pressure to be perfect at meditating. Do not push to see instant effects as they may take time. There is no right or wrong.
The effect of meditation on the body and mind
Relaxation comes from observing what is with curiosity and acceptance, without any judgement. Do you have repetitive thoughts cluttering your mind with the same subject? By observing your thoughts you can reduce your mind’s tendency to think. Your mind becomes more relaxed.
Reduction of fear:
Regular Meditation reduces activity in the brain responsible for stress and anxiety.
Discovering yourself:
When you meditate, you become the observer of what is happening in the body and mind. You perceive without judging. Over time you will realise how your thoughts and your feelings work together. You break through tiresome brooding.
Thoughts, emotions and body sensations lose their power when you accept them as they are. Restlessness and turmoil give way to a certain serenity over time.
You train your concentration:
In Meditation you keep concentrating on observing what is right now. This teaches your mind to focus on one thing instead of wandering off.
You arrive in the now:
Meditation is all about the here and now. The moment when everything happens. This also applies to your everyday life.
The Moon
People have been studying the moon for thousands of years. We are in awe when she is in full size in the sky. The initially narrow crescent of the moon becomes full and round. Then she decreases again and finally disappears completely for a few days. Only to be reborn as a small crescent again.
The moon affects forces like the sea. The ebb and flow depend on the phases of the moon. The moon also influences the human organism. 70% of our bodies are water. People have always observed the sky. They tried to get information about life from the state of the heavenly bodies. The sun brings the seasons, warmth, and light. Every planet in the universe has a unique energy. Although the moon is smaller than the planets in our solar system, it is the closest to earth. This explains her strong effect on our planet. The phases of the moon have different influences on the earth, in humans as well as on plants and animals.
In mythology we also see the importance of the moon and the change in human consciousness. The male sun god represented the moon goddess, ruler of heaven and earth. Poets through the ages have dedicated countless poems to the moon. Many people throughout time associate a full moon night with romance and falling in love. Fairy tales and stories are about the moon. Wise women collect herbs on full moon nights. They know that roots should always be dug up then, as the roots can lose their potency from sunlight. Crystals are cleansed and charged in the light of a full moon. The lunar month determines the cycle of women and the time of pregnancy.
No other planet, nor the sun, receives as much attention as the moon. She has always been a symbol for the mystical and magical. She wanders through the signs of the zodiac about every 28 days. Everyday is under the diverse influence of the moon and has a different quality.
Phases of the moon
Waxing Moon
While the moon is waxing it is time for growth, prosperity, and construction. The closer it is to the full moon, the stronger this is. All nutrients are optimally absorbed. Medications and supplements are more effective than usual during a waxing moon. The earth exhales. It’s a good time to harvest fruits from trees and plants. Fruit and juices release more vitamins. If you dye your hair when the moon is waxing, the colour will last longer and longer.
Full Moon
Nature is now at its peak of development. This phase of the moon stands for rest and relaxation, for balance and serenity. The full moon can stimulate creative activities. It is a time of culmination and fruition. The human organism particularly feels the change. The absorption capacity is now optimal. Sometimes insomnia and a nervous mood prevail. The increased tensions at a full moon can disturb the harmony. Now is the time to get rid of annoying habits and negative behaviours.
Any kind of fertiliser has great effects during this phase. Because the soil now absorbs more liquid. If you harvest fruit and vegetables they taste better during a full moon or a couple of days after. Potatoes have their best flavour when the moon is full.
Waning Moon
Nature and the human body retreat. This phase represents letting go and purification. The waning moon is a time for cures, detoxification, and diets. It will be easier, and you will lose a few pounds quicker than usual. Your energies can be low, you might feel drained, your body exhausted. It is time to rest. You will see improved chances of recovery after a surgery. It’s also the time for clean-up and washing.
During this period, the earth breathes in. All juices in plants gather in the lower part and in the roots so it is the best time to transplant or cut. You should also weed during this phase. If you want good grass growth, then you should mow the lawn. Now is also the right time to harvest root crops. People should crush dried herbs and can them during the waning moon to reduce the risk of mould growth.
New Moon
The beginning and end of the moon phases meet here. Now all purifying powers come to their climax. A day of fasting is now particularly effective, as the body is ready to draw on its own reserves. The immune system and metabolism are particularly stimulated. You can use the power of the new moon if you start something new.
Upcoming Classes & Gatherings:
Meditation Classes
Options / Pricing
Thursday 15th, 29th August, 5th, 12th September
Time: 10am– 11am
Venue: Community Cabin Edenderry
Contribution:€18/ class or €60 for 4 weeks
Wednesday 31st July, 7th, 14th, 21st August
Time: 7.30pm – 9pm
Venue: Holistic Centre Edenderry
Contribution:€18/ class or €60 for 4 weeks
If you are new to meditation or an advanced practitioner, I welcome everyone. As an experienced teacher I will support you in building up or deepening your practice. I will teach you various techniques. You will learn the benefits of meditation and mindfulness practice.
In my meditation classes you can enjoy the present moment. You will train your mind, achieve mental clarity and concentration. Reduce stress and anxiety, increase your self-confidence, and transform your quality of life. Feel clearer, calmer, more centered and relaxed. Lead a healthy and happy life.
Join my meditation group and meet up with like-minded people in a peaceful setting. Deepen your practice, explore diversity and meditation techniques. Exchange experiences, have fun, laugh, and share your insights with positive people. Make new friends.
I am looking forward to seeing you.
MoonCircle Gatherings
Options / Pricing
Dates: TBC
Time: TBC
Venue: Coolronan, Ballivor, Co. Meath
Contribution: €25/ gathering
At the moon circles we will focus on the cycles of the moon. I talk about the astrological constellations at every specific moon cycle. I will explain what influence the planets have during every month’s New Moon and Full Moon. The power of a moon circle lies in the group dynamic. The moon magnifies meditation, prayers,and intentions with the people participating.
When the moon is in one of the twelve signs of the zodiac, it promotes special types of magic. During Moon circles I guide you through unique meditations and embodiments. We use rituals on the seeding, manifesting and intention setting at a New Moon. At the Full Moon we focus on the culminating energies. I help you cut ties and clear your aura. Through the integration of the planets involved we release negativity. The result will be emotional self-awareness, growth, and transformation. You will live a more fulfilled and happier life.
I am looking forward to welcoming you into the moon circle. Let’s dive into the mysteries of the universe together.
Book Meditation with Danielle
To book meditation classes or moon circles please fill in the form or phone:
(+353) 087-6533742